
Variants are specific versions of Items. Every Item has at least one "variant", but many have multiple variants.



bodyName (String)

The name of this variant's body. Can be used with the bodyType of its item to construct a more complete name for this variant.

colors ([String!]!)

The main colors of this variant.

genuine (Boolean)

Only set for variants of Artwork and is used to distinguish between Artwork's genuine and fake variants.

id (ID!)

ID of the object.

imageUrl (URL)

A URL that points to an image of this variant.

internalId (String!)

A unique identifier for this variant that is internal to the game.

item (Item!)

The Item of which this object is a variant.

patternName (String)

The name of this variant's pattern. Can be used with the patternType of its item to construct a more complete name for this variant.