
DIY Recipes are used to learn how to craft things at a workbench or to cook things in a kitchen.



materials (RecipeMaterialsConnection!)

A list of materials required to craft this recipe's item, along with their amounts.

Argument Type Description
after String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.


addedInVersion (Version!)

The version of Animal Crossing New Horizons in which this recipe first appeared.

alternativeCurrency (Currency)

An alternative currency with which this recipe can be purchased.

alternativePrice (Int)

The amount of alternative currency with which this recipe can be purchased.

craftedItemImageUrl (URL!)

A URL pointing to an image of the item crafted by this recipe.

exclusiveToSeasonalEvent (Boolean)

Whether or not this recipe can only be acquired during its seasonal event.

id (ID!)

ID of the object.

internalId (Int!)

A unique identifier for this recipe that is internal to the game.

item (Item!)

The item crafted by this recipe.

price (Int)

The price of this recipe in Bells. If not present, it means the recipe cannot be bought with Bells.

resaleValue (Int!)

The resale value of this recipe in Bells.

seasonalEvent (String)

The seasonal event during which this recipe is available.

sourceNotes (String)

Additional freeform notes on acquiring this recipe.

sources ([String!]!)

A list of sources for acquiring this recipe.

totalRecipesToUnlock (Int!)

The number of other recipes that the player must learn in their lifetime before this recipe will appear on their island.

type (CraftedItemType!)

The type of item that is crafted using this recipe.