
Fencing is a special item that can be placed outdoors and provide structure to an island.



addedInVersion (Version!)

The version of Animal Crossing New Horizons in which this item first appeared.

alternativeCurrency (Currency)

An alternative currency with which this item can be purchased.

alternativePrice (Int)

The amount of alternative currency with which this item can be purchased.

bodyCustomizable (Boolean!)

Whether or not this item's body is customizable using customization kits. If false, refer to the cyrusCustomizationPrice field to determine if this item's body is customizable at all.

bodyType (String)

A descriptor for this item's body.

customizationKitCost (Int)

The number of customization kits that must be used to customize this item.

customizationKitType (CustomizationKitType)

The type of customization kit used to customize this item.

cyrusCustomizationPrice (Int)

The cost for Cyrus to customize this item, in Bells.

exclusiveToSeasonalEvent (Boolean)

Whether or not this item can only be acquired during its seasonal event.

forSaleInCatalog (Boolean!)

Whether or not this item can be purchased in the in-game Nook Shopping catalog.

id (ID!)

ID of the object.

internalId (Int!)

A unique identifier for this item that is internal to the game.

listedInCatalog (Boolean!)

Whether or not this item appears in the in-game Nook Shopping catalog.

name (String!)

The name of this item.

patternCustomizationOptions ([PatternCustomizationOption!]!)

A list of methods with which this item's pattern can be customized.

patternType (String)

A descriptor for this item's pattern.

price (Int)

The price of this item in Bells. If not present, it means the item cannot be bought with Bells.

resaleValue (Int!)

The resale value of this item in Bells.

seasonalEvent (String)

The seasonal event during which this item is available.

sourceNotes (String)

Additional freeform notes on acquiring this item.

sources ([String!]!)

A list of sources for acquiring this item.

stackSize (Int!)

The number of times this item can be stacked onto a single slot in the player's inventory.

variants ([ItemVariant!]!)

A list of one or more unique variants of this item.